"Everywhere I Go, Everybody Ring My Bell"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Today WAS a hectic day for me as I have attended the regular Disciplinary Board Meeting. As this was the first meeting chaired by our new principal, we have a lengthy discussion revolving around the same old stories of indiscipline amongst our students. Indeed his experience in his former school is invaluable. Today we emphasize on strict enforcement on our school rules and regulations. Off course this will be possible after the R&R is spelled clearly and being understood by everyone in the school community.

Just an overview of indiscipline at school

Over the last decade, the standards of discipline are fast deteriorating in the school environment. School is just not what it used to be anymore as very few schools are able to maintain the same standards of behavior as before. May be the teachers' do not have that same confidence and commanding personality as they used to. Or maybe work pressures have increased to such a degree that all the teachers can think of is completing the curriculum on schedule. Some of them took their lesson too fast that most students will be left out. Quite obviously, most of them seem to lack the dedication to go beyond the call of duty and the syllabus and contribute to the all-round development of the child.

One can not really blame them entirely, when you observe the huge number of children in each classroom, and the added burden of paper work loaded to the Form Teacher. To top all of this, the number of subjects and books have also increased tremendously and most children are finding it difficult to cope with these extra burdens like homework and course work. Most parents too, reason why they send their children for tutorials and serve to further increase their load. It is a vicious circle. Not only this, today's education system(that emphasize on the ability to memorise) does not prepare the child for employment. The curriculum is far removed from practical knowledge and this makes the child's mind and feet wander. Asked around how many students can hold and used the screwdriver properly? So as we can see, the basic fault lies with the education system.

So what can or should we do?

If the child is offered practical courses at the technical school that cater to his requirements, he will have a purpose and therefore less time to indulge in indisciplined behaviour, hopefully. Encourage students that is "allergic" to books and pen to apply and enter the SMTs. His restlessness will be curbed, as he will be better occupied. But until then, it is the duty of the teachers to help the students to cope with the load and to find a workable solution for those children who are breaking under the pressure. The parents too can contribute by spending quality time with the child, and taking a deeper interest in what is happening at school by actively involved in PTA's activities and discussions. They should make an effort to meet the teachers and find a solution to make their children's' schooling more productive and satisfying. They should come to meet their teachers during "Parent's Day". Once the child realises that his parents are really interested in his welfare he might be willing to meet them halfway, rather than demanding his own way all the time.

So...Let work together to curb indiscipline of our students. This will guarantee better exam result and a pleasant workplace.

Tingtong. Aww...

Monday, March 2, 2009


I guess its not easy to adapt to a new environment and a new style of work culture. Many will find it hard to swallow "that's my style" sort of working concept. Being new to the school, the new principal has the privilege to re-mould the whole school towards a new work culture. The key word will be "Work Hard" and "Be truthful" in whatever you do.

Working hard is no alien to a person whom has work in the private sector. Not prevalence in the public sector, it is not easy for us to adopt this work culture. One has to accept the fact that, they are paid to do the job. So never be lagging and wake up and do the job well.

I don't know how many people will be awake for the next couple of week but I am sure the principal will have some sleepless night thinking of ways to propel our school into greater height. He will have to grapple with the dilapidated school, the almost zero account book, snaky staff and problematic pre-puberty kids. First, he has to make sure in this two week, that none of his beloved-to-be students and male teachers untucked their shirt in(out).

Last but not least, I wanted to salute those teachers who listened attentively during the off-timed staff meeting on saturday afternoon. Sure, we will have a great time with our new principal in the next few years to come. Be prepared with your antivirus software. Ensure that it is updated regularly in order to avoid your computer from being infected by unexpected virulent virus.

Ting-tong me, by leaving a comment below. If you are shy to reveal who you are, by all mean be a anonymous commenter.

Tingtong-tingtong my bell seems to ring softer...